Pokemon Go! Saratoga Springs Style

Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

Saratoga Springs is an awesome place to play Pokemon Go! Just walking down Broadway or a stroll through Congress Park will show you why.

Pokemon Go! Pokestops in Saratoga

The algorithm of the location of Pokestops is specific places and especially monuments. Have you seen those ballet slippers and horse statues in downtown Saratoga? Well, they are ALL Pokestops. The special signs that explain what history happened in the area? Pokestops! All the Springs? Pokestops!

Broadway Is Pokestop HeavenBroadway

If you play Pokemon Go and you’re running low on Poke Balls, downtown Saratoga is a gold mine! And don’t forget, Pokestops reset after 5 minutes. So by the time you walk one way down Broadway, you can turn around and get all the Pokestops again.

Remember, before walking around downtown Saratoga Springs, put an egg in your incubator. Before you know it, you will finish your 2.0 km or 5.0 km and your new Pokemon will hatch.

Congress Park

Saratoga is the Mother Lode for Pokemon Go. Last night, 10:00 pm on a Tuesday night, there were teens, young adults and old adults walking and talking to each other in Congress Park. The camaraderie was impressive. Young and old, couples and groups of friends … Everyone had their faces glowing from their screens, standing under the stars, walking around on a beautiful night. “Hey, over here, I found a level 238 Magmar!”

Every time we drive by or walk through Congress Park, someone has put down a Lure Module (or several). It’s like the park is covered with virtual pink confetti!

Congress Park - Lure Modules

I almost crashed into a pole in Congress Park but looked up just in the nick of time. So please, do be careful as you walk and catch Pokemon. Ash never had these problems!

Be Courteous

But remember, if you’re catching Pokemon near a business, don’t linger. Or better yet, buy something. If you need to “go” while playing Pokemon Go, use one of many public restrooms. Some businesses aren’t so happy with the throngs of people crowding around their shops. But others are happy about it, like the Christmas Gift Shoppe just past Wilton Mall.

As you walk around in downtown Saratoga, you may hear people shouting from cars, “Pokemon Go!” or see small groups of people celebrating a sweet catch.

Last night I heard someone telling a younger trainer, “You have to be careful walking around by yourself at night. Although us (Pokemon) Trainers really out number the bad guys!”

Have you walked around Congress Park catching Pokemon? Where are your favorite Poke Stops in downtown Saratoga? Where do you go to find the coolest Pokemon? Help out your fellow Trainers and let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading! I hope this helps! :o)

1 thought on “Pokemon Go! Saratoga Springs Style”

  1. Pingback: Everything you need to know to play Pokemon Go in Saratoga Springs

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